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St Fintans National School, Sutton, Dublin

Spring Newsletter

22nd Mar 2023

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Lots going on here in St. Fintan’s N.S. It is a busy season for the school community.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

The children had a wonderful time participating in Seachtain na Gaeilge last week.. The children made a huge effort to speak cupla focail, in the classroom and at yard time.Our Fear Grinn Giggles was here on Thursday to entertain the children. Our Gaeilge storyteller Seachtopus was here last Monday. The children were capivated by his storytelling abilities.Ms Tarbett has put in trojan work in making Seachtain na Gaeilge so enjoyable for our children.

Amber Flag

On the 14th and 15th February we celebrated Well being and Mental Health awareness at St. Fintan’s. On the 14th all children and staff were invited to wear their clothes inside out to get everyone thinking about how someone looks on the outside, may not necessarily reflect how they are feeling on the inside. On this day, our resident DJ… (Barry!) treated the children to an outdoor disco in the yard. There were some great dance moves on display!

On the 15th all children participated in activities to encourage good mental health and wellbeing: Yoga, Musical Bingo, Healthy eating, Smoothie making, Mindfulness and Mediation. A huge thank you to all of the teachers for facilitating these days particularly our Amber Flag committee who went above and beyond to make the day enjoyable for the children. These two days also doubled up as a fundraising event for Pieta House where we raised a whopping €2886. Thank you so much for your very generous donations! Fingers crossed we have done enough to earn our Amber Flag and it will be proudly flying outside St. Fintan’s before long.Thanks again to Ms Burke and her team.

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Emmy from 6th class and Darragh from 5th class who came first and second respectively in our school Spelling Bee Competition.Emmy will now go forward to represent the school in the North Dublin Spelling Bee Final on March 29th.Darragh will be on standby if needed. Best of luck Emmy!!

Grandparents Day

This year we will be launching our first Grandparents Day. We will be inviting grandparents of children in both first classes and fifth classes to come into our lovely school and meet their grandchildren , their classmates and teachers. This event will take place on Friday 28th April.The children in first class and fifth class will be working on projects about their grandparents in advance of Grandparents Day.We would hope that this will be an annual event in our school and that over your child’s time in St Fintan’s , they will have the opportunity at some stage to celebrate their grandparents.We will remember all of our grandparents, especially those who cannot be with us.More details to follow.


GAA: Both girls and boys teams will be starting out on their Fingal League campaigns this month.

Soccer: Boys soccer team are now playing competitive matches, and started out with a 2-0 win against Holywell.

Basketball: We’re bringing a group of children to Trinity College for The Dublin Primary Schools 3X3 Tournament on Monday, 20th March

Squash: Children from 4th-6th had trials last week to represent St. Fintan’s in the Leinster School’s Squash Tournament

Athletics: Large group of children brought out to Newbridge Demesne for Fingal Cross-Country races.Last  Thursday, some of our children participated in horrendous conditions. Fair play to them and their wonderful coaches.

Theatre Trip

In early March, all classes from 2nd to 6th visited the Peacock theatre where they enjoyed a wonderful cultural experience watching The Table.  The Table was performed by Branar, one of Ireland’s theatre companies who make productions for children.  The play was centred on the civil war and gave the senior classes the opportunity to further deepen their understanding of this topic.  The play also tied in nicely with Seachtain na Gaeilge as it was performed in both Irish and English. 

6th classes

Our senior students, Ms Tuohey’s and Ms Cogavin’s classes are easily recognisable in their lovely new hoodies. As they are our most senior children, they are looked up to by the other children in the school and are wonderful role models for them.They recently took part in Dragons Den. Their projects were so well researched and thought out. Excellent entrepreneurs!!!   The two 6th classes will be going for a tour of Glasnevin Cemetery on Thursday 30th March. 

5th classes

Up on the senior end of the school, both 5th classes in Rooms 13 and 14 are busy as bees planning and preparing for the school’s Grandparent’s day coming up next month. The children are excitedly planning and preparing questions to ask their grandparents about their own experiences of the Irish primary school, to show them their classrooms, and to bond over some memories they may share of the children’s first day in St Fintan’s NS. 

The 5th class students have been paired up with reading buddies from senior infants and have been helping the younger children with their reading and literacy skills. Both the senior infants and the 5th class students adore this weekly activity, with some even calling it the highlight of their week! It is wonderful seeing such an encouraging team-working atmosphere between the students of our school. 

As well as this, Room 14 have been planting a range of seeds such as yellow courgette, striped tomatoes, purple carrots, multicoloured Swiss chard, broad beans and peas. The children are so excited to see these seeds grow bigger and bigger before we move them outside into the school’s garden. 


4th classes

4th Class are very excited about starting swimming lessons in April! It is their first-time having swimming lessons during school and they are looking forward to the adventure. The children in 4th also have a wonderful trip to Dáil Éireann on May 16th - a fantastic opportunity for the children to see how and where the Irish government work. 



3rd classes

The 3rd class children are working on procedural writing. They are writing instructions for outdoor games. Hopefully, next week they will  get a chance to play these games with their classmates.



2nd classes

First Confessions are taking place this week for both Ms Tarbett’s and Ms Treleaven’s classes. The children in second class are so looking forward to celebrating their First Holy Communion on the 27th May. They are busy preparing for this important sacrament.

1st classes     

The two first classes are looking forward to their upcoming visit to Croke Park stadium and museum.They are also enjoying learning a variety of ceilI dances to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge.  The first class children are also planning and preparing for the school’s Grandparent’s day coming up next month. The children are excitedly planning and preparing questions to ask their grandparents about their own experiences of the Irish primary school and are eager  to show them their classrooms and classmates.


 Junior Infants

The children in Junior infants went on an amazing spring walk with their teachers. They are learning all about signs of spring .They re also enjoying GAA with Paddy. After Easter the infants will be participating in reading buddies with the children in the senior classes.

Senior Infants

Our senior infant children are also learning about springtime. They have made beautiful spring collages  which are proudly displayed on the corridor.They are also enjoying reading buddies with the children from both 5th classes.In Aistear the children are learning all about hospitals.


So as you can see, our children have a fun filled springtime calendar.

Best Wishes,

Ms. Farrell